Meine Tipps für den geschmeidigen Alltag. Erfahrungen aus der Küche, dem Garten, für den Hobby-Handwerker, für die Senioren. Ausprobiert und für gut befunden. Dazu gibt es Infos über Self-Publishing und die Bücher von Pat McCraw. Viel Spaß!
Alltagstaugliche Tipps und Bücher, Bücher, Bücher

Dienstag, 10. April 2012
Mittwoch, 4. April 2012
Erotic Fantasy Shortstories now in English
now on Smashwords
THE VISIT – The dream of a dominant woman.
LIKE AT MOTHERS – What can happen to you in the future while having sex!
THE MONSTER – How a courageous Daniela saves her lover.
LIZZARD LOVE - Christine finds a lot of scaled friends in the Brazilian Jungle.
BLACK DEVIL – is the name of a Strap-On.
CAT FOOD –Human cats have to learn how to behave themselves as well!
THE VISIT – The dream of a dominant woman.
LIKE AT MOTHERS – What can happen to you in the future while having sex!
THE MONSTER – How a courageous Daniela saves her lover.
LIZZARD LOVE - Christine finds a lot of scaled friends in the Brazilian Jungle.
BLACK DEVIL – is the name of a Strap-On.
CAT FOOD –Human cats have to learn how to behave themselves as well!
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